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Thursday 18 July 2024


 Social media tonight is awash with stories of riots in Leeds. It looks very serious. I think we are going to see a lot more like this. People are fed up, they have had enough. 

Breaking: Its now estimated that thousands of people are taking to the streets in Leeds England as Police get chased and run away, fires are started and a bus has been torched as well as looting.

Breaking: Fires are being started as many hundreds of people riot in Leeds England tonight. This could spread to a wider area.

Newly elected Leeds councillor Mothin Ali spotted among the crowd in the ongoing riots in Harehills, Leeds.

And in London. . . . .

Breaking:London Erupts in Riots Over Deaths of Bangladeshi Students Abroad. Riots have broken out in London in response to the killing of Bangladeshi students not in Britain, but in Bangladesh.

Breaking: Chaos in Whitechapel: Armed Men Clash Over Bangladeshi Politics in the Heart of London The streets of Whitechapel, London erupted in chaos tonight as scores of men armed with weapons stormed an office building, driven by heated Bangladeshi political disputes far.

And in Ireland. . . . . .

Hundreds of local Irish people are descending on Coolock Ireland as Globalists attempt to send in hundreds of Illegal Migrants into this small Irish community.

BREAKING: A building in Coolock in Dublin, Ireland has been set on fire days before immigrants were to be housed there. The Globalist Agenda is collapsing in Ireland in real time as the native Irish people rise up and take back their homeland!

Breaking: Coolock Ireland is seeing buildings being set on fire as tensions escalate over mass numbers of illegal migrants being forced onto the Irish people. Crown Paints Factory is Now on FIRE, After The Government Tried to Facilitate 100s of Foreigners in The Building.

This is what David Icke says. . . . .

In fact, it's just what the 'globalists' want - they have infused the West with migrants from other cultures to trigger 'civil war' while the same hands hold the strings attached to both 'sides'. It's classic divide and rule (just like 'left' and 'Right') and unless both 'sides' realise they are being played, whether in Ireland or Leeds, the 'globalists' (the Global Cult) will get exactly what it wants. Why have the migrants been dominated by young adult men? For this very reason. We have seen nothing yet if both 'sides' don't get wise to how they are being manipulated to a long-planned end.

Ilona. 18.7.2024

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