This is a blog about what is going on in the world. I add links to articles and videos if I think they are appropriate to further learning. You can move on if you are not interested.

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Russell speaks

Message from Russell Broadbent MP

What a day! Finally some long awaited truth and justice.

Thank you Russell. Appreciate you standing up for all Australians.

Ilona. 28.2.2024

Use cash

Ilona. 28.2.2024


Rich Bill

Did you know that Bill Gates' primary residence in Seattle boasts 7 bedrooms, 24 bathrooms, a 60-foot pool with an underwater music system, a 2,500-square-foot gym, a 1,000-square-foot dining room, six kitchens, and a trampoline room with a 20-foot ceiling?

If the people who are urging us to reduce our carbon footprints are living lives of excess, how can we trust their motivations and the validity of their claims about man-made climate change?

Comment. . . . . . .
The man worked for that. We may or may not like him, and we may not like Microsoft products but his efforts democratized data access, and brought compute power to every corner of this planet.

Reply. . . . . .
Yes correct, but I think the point the tweet was getting to is that he consistently pushes the narrative on citizens like you and I that WE have to cut down on a multitude of lifestyles while HE does no such thing and is way more excessive.

Ilona. 28.2.2024

Tuesday 27 February 2024


 America is being Invaded. Illegal Immigration is being used by the Globalists to destroy our nations. The United States will soon cease to exist and the country we all knew is coming to an end. There is a deliberate attempt to usher in a totalitarian One World Government that the globalists control. Watch video.

Ilona. 27.2.2024


This is a plan, they intend to replace a population of the dying natives of countries, with immigrants. Dying from what exactly?
Every country that took up the Covid injections are now having the highest rates of excess deaths. Estimated deaths 17 million

Ilona. 27.2.2024

Silencing journalists

Please take 13 minutes of your time to listen to Lara Logan Powerful testimony, it’s worth every second. She intertwines topics surrounding God, freedom of speech, Covid jab, NGOs, silencing real Journalists, taxpayers money getting use against the will of the people, etc. Everything she says is 💯 on target 🎯, but what hit me the most is her being so brave to tell her personal story.

Watch Lara Logan's segment just this morning in Washington, D.C., at Senator Ron Johnson's roundtable discussion 'Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?

Listen and digest.
Ilona. 27.2.2024

Monday 26 February 2024

Spreading lies

 When this report in the Guardian was first published, there was no mention of the killer being a transgender woman. After many complaints it was amended.  

Scarlet Blake, 26, targeted Jorge Martin Carreno, 30, as he walked home from a night out in Oxford in July 2021.

Blake, who is a transgender woman, led him to a secluded riverbank where he was hit on the back of the head with a vodka bottle, strangled and then pushed into the River Cherwell, where he drowned.

From thereon after, throughout the rest of the article, Blake is referred to as 'she'. Blake is a man. This is why it is so important to to get the reporting right. The Guardian are spreading lies. They are being paid to. 

Ilona. 26.2.2024

PS. This is what JK Rowling things of this case. 

JK Rowling criticises Sky News for referring to cat killer as woman: ‘I’m so sick of this’

Vitamin D

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‘Once Upon a Time’ actor Chris Gauthier dies aged 48. We ask for privacy during this time. The cause of death given was an unspecified short illness.

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And the good news is. . . . . . . 

Taking regular Vitamin D supplements may reduce cancer deaths in the population by 15%, according to scientists. One possibility is that vitamin D supplements may induce anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and DNA damage repair mechanisms, which can thwart mutations that allows tumours to grow.

Ilona. 26.2.2024

Sunday 25 February 2024

Let's talk

Good people from all around the world can find each other through video conferencing. 

Ilona. 25.2.2024

Saturday 24 February 2024

Friday 23 February 2024

Economic inactivity

 How many. 

Those figures are absolutely shocking and totally unacceptable!

Ilona. 23.2.2024


 A new study has found two very rare Covid vaccine side-effects which can attack the heart, brain and spinal cord.

Researchers at the Global Vaccine Data Network discovered links between mRNA(Pfizer and Moderna) vaccines and myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle - and pericarditis - swelling of the thin sac covering the heart.

The study of more than 99 million people also confirmedGuillain-Barré syndrome, when the immune system attacks the nerves and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, a type of blood clot in the brain as rare side effects associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Ilona 23.2.2024


 This isn’t California…This is Dublin, 2024. Watch the video.

Around 1,000 male asylum seekers are without accommodation in Ireland.

Minister for Integration Roderic O’Gorman has said the number of people without an offer of accommodation is a “really concerning situation. Report here. 

Not my words, people know what is going on. 

UN sponsored invasion. All nations that want to survive must pull out of the UN treaties that give the globalist control of sovereign countries policy’s.

It is no coincidence that every single sovereign western nation is currently experiencing an invasion at their borders all simultaneously at the same exact time as one another. Our countries are being invaded and our populations are being replaced.

Australia is unliveable, Citizens are moving into tents yet they are importing foreigners still, criminal ones at that!

Ilona. 23.2.2924

Use cash

Rishi Sunak plans to introduce a UK CBDC by next year
From China to the EU, we've analysed digital currencies around the world & the consensus is a global warning - CBDCs are a solution in search of a problem.
Take a look at China's Digital Yuan which is being used to nudge people’s

Financial surveillance & control reigns supreme when it comes to CBDC's in Nigeria
Identity & transaction data can be accessed by the central bank.
There are also plans to require tuition fee payments to be made in eNaira and to pay government officials in the CBDC
Israel’s central bank admits "absolute privacy will not be possible” with the Digital Shekel

Sweden’s CBDC, e-krona, allows transactions to be TRACEABLE by the authorities
Riksbank admitted that "ALL electronic payments leave traces", once again proving cash to be the most privacy-preserving form of money.
When it comes to the Eurozone CBDC almost half of the citizens surveyed said that privacy should be the #1 priority. Meanwhile, the European Central Bank said complete anonymity is "not a viable option"

Keep using cash wherever you can. If this goes ahead it will be the end of all our freedoms. 
Ilona. 23.2.2024

Wednesday 21 February 2024


 The HOME OFFICE has SACKED the chief inspector of borders and immigration DAVID NEAL after he told the world that EXTREMISTS are flying in on PRIVATE JETS EVADING checks by BORDER FORCE. Mr Neal, the independent chief inspector of borders and immigration, became embroiled in a row with the Home Office after he provided data to the Daily Mail on Monday which purported to show UK Border Force failed to check passengers on hundreds of private jets arriving at City Airport.

Read about David Neal on wiki.

Unusually, former army officer Neal has not been give a second three-year term, despite an impressively brisk work ethos and writing a series of hard hitting reports on various immigration cock-ups. One Westminster source suggests Matthew Rycroft, the Permanent Secretary at the Home Office, thought the independent chief inspector to be far too, er, independent.

Ilona. 21.2.2024

Ten years

Green MP Efeso Collins dies after collapse at ChildFund Water Run in central Auckland.

Collins was taking part in ChildFund Water Run to raise funds to support local communities in the Pacific at 9am in Auckland’s Britomart when he collapsed. Emergency services immediately responded with CPR and defibrillators to treat the MP and continued working on him for an hour. An organiser for the event confirmed to the Herald he had died at the scene. Collins, 49, is survived by his wife Fia and two daughters.

Ilona. 21.2.2024


Free money

Ilona. 21.2.2024


 This is AHMED KAJEE from Coventry who works as a PHARMACIST at the hospital

He was caught by Paedophile hunters after sending a picture of his PENIS to what he thought was a 14-year-old CHILD

Read the rest of the story here.

Ilona. 21.2.2024

Tuesday 20 February 2024


 The American Red Cross is now asking blood donors if they ever received the Covid vaccine

If you answer Yes, they want you to call ahead to see if you’re still eligible I thought the vax was “safe and effective”? What info are they hiding from us?

Ilona. 20.2.2024

Lazy post

Copy - paste

Ilona 20.2.2024

Monday 19 February 2024


 WHO Director-General Tedros at the World Governments Summit: Let me be clear: WHO did not impose anything on anyone during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not lockdowns, not mask mandates, not vaccine mandates. We don’t have the power to do that, we don’t want it, and we’re not trying to get it.

Our job is to support governments with evidence-based guidance, advice and, when needed, supplies, to help them protect their people. But the decisions are theirs.

The WHO want absolute power over 194 countries. They do not have our best interests at heart.
Ilona. 19.2.2024

Love this man

Monday morning funny  😂😁😜😇
Ilona. 18.2.2024

Sunday 18 February 2024

Across the pond

 I've been on the radio for over an hour and I've talked to at least (10) Truckers who are gonna start refusing loads of Monday for (NYC) ...I talked to (3) guys that I work with who texted the boss and told him no (NYC)

Would be interesting to see Truckers across the country do this like Farmers did in Europe. Blue Cities don't appreciate what our Truckers and Farmers can easily do by just avoiding these cities.

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After my stint of three years with Leicester Heavy Haulage I decided I would never again take a job which required me to go to London. And I didn't. Far too stressful driving a 40 tonner in the city.

A new protest begins. Read about it here. It will be interesting to see how it pans out.

Ilona. 18.2.2024

Saturday 17 February 2024


EU armies in 'panic mode' as 'immigration needed' to fill depleted armed forces.

Armies in Europe are struggling to recruit new soldiers and may have to turn to immigrants to fill the gaps, according to an expert. Similar problems have impacted the UK's military too, as 5,800 more people left the forces than joined them in 2023.  Immigration could be the answer. That's probably the best way forward. Because you can't force people to fight for you and join the armed forces, and people are not going accept a return of conscription.

Has it registered yet? They are still bringing them in. Fighting age single men. 
Ilona. 17.2.2024