This is a blog about what is going on in the world. I add links to articles and videos if I think they are appropriate to further learning. You can move on if you are not interested.

Wednesday 31 July 2024


 Falling for the plot. Scenes in Southport in the wake of the child murders. They are pawns in a game they don't understand and this is what they need to know:

The plan was to allow unchecked numbers of people from other cultures and religions into the West - mostly adult young men - and then instigate trigger events to create (un)civil war between them and the indigenous culture.

We are now in a classic divide and rule in which two 'sides' manipulated by the same force are brought into conflict to create chaos and mayhem.

Both 'sides' are being played by a hidden hand via puppet governments with mass immigration that has transformed Western cities with the incoming cultures.

Read the whole of David's tweet and the comments here.

Ilona. 31.7.2024

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