Falling for the plot. Scenes in Southport in the wake of the child murders. They are pawns in a game they don't understand and this is what they need to know:
The plan was to allow unchecked numbers of people from other cultures and religions into the West - mostly adult young men - and then instigate trigger events to create (un)civil war between them and the indigenous culture.This is a blog about what is going on in the world. I add links to articles and videos if I think they are appropriate to further learning. You can move on if you are not interested.
Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Tuesday, 30 July 2024
It makes sense.
The Cult wants an end to countries and elections to be replaced by an appointed technocratic world government dictatorship with countries divided into powerless regions. To do this they have to bankrupt countries and put their compliant imbeciles in power to discredit the concept of people elected by the population (or not in the case of the UK Labour government). Know the planned outcome and you will see the journey unfolding by the day.
Monday, 29 July 2024
TRICKED into Gender Surgery
Saturday, 27 July 2024
Whitney Webb's warning.
Don't ignore this
Wake up this is what is going to happen.
Within 5-10 years, big data will track every aspect of our lives on the blockchain in order to create predictive behavioral models. These models will control whether or not you are given a loan, whether or not you will be hired for a new job, and how you participate in the marketplace.
Listen to Edward Snowden.
Already happening in Australia - banks track Uber eats spending transactions etc when reviewing loan applications.
Just put down your phones. It may be a tough addiction to give up for some of you but you’ll be ok. Everything will be just fine.
Ilona. 27.7.2024
Friday, 26 July 2024
Huge impacts
Get a brain
There comes a time when you just have to take the piss to get through the day.
Try this one.
Nick Peterson has many more like this. I think I need to follow him.
Ilona. 26.7.2024
Thursday, 25 July 2024
Rock on Tommy
He's right. Not far right, just right.
This is brilliant and powerful.
Tommy in form
Really liked this video
God bless tommy
Tommy you are the best!!!
A must listen.
Wow, he really brought it home.
I love this passion Tommy brilliant
He is a true Patriot
He is absolutely right
Excellent 100% agree
Ilona. 25.7.2024
Why are there so many posts about the Royal Family appearing, on facebook?
Why do a lot of them appear to be using fake photographs?
Why are they getting hundreds if not thousands of replies? This one has had 869 comments.
Do people honestly believe them to be real?
Is this really Katherine?
Wednesday, 24 July 2024
Home Office
Asset register
EU - is planning an all asset register database of every citizen, so they can introduce a WEALTH TAX. Citizens will have to report their individual assets including Bank accounts balances, property, jewellery, cars & art. In order to create a union wide ‘wealth’ tax. (Also handy for seizing those non CBDC purchases in the future) Massive overreach of a totalitarian state. So of course Labour will love it!
Monday, 22 July 2024
Follow the money.

Sunday, 21 July 2024
Viktor has it nailed.
"We have zero migration. Only those we let in can come here." Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán:
"Today, Hungary is the safest country in Europe... because prosperity in Hungary is not something that the state distributes, or that the state promises people. Prosperity here is something that requires work."Fantasy
John Lee Pettimore
Saturday, 20 July 2024
Not science