This is a blog about what is going on in the world. I add links to articles and videos if I think they are appropriate to further learning. You can move on if you are not interested.

Friday 18 October 2024

Listen to Bev.

Bev dives into the UN’s Summit for the Future and the true intentions behind their Pact for the Future and Agenda 2030. Bev explores how these initiatives could reshape our world – and not for the better. Is it really about equality, or is it about control? Watch to find out how this global agenda might impact your freedoms, privacy, and way of life.
Never forgive or forget what these politicians are doing to our country. "This doesn't have to happen, it's up to you". George Orwell

So David Icke was correct all along

I have been banging on about this information about the WEF, EU, US led NATO and UN for 4 years now, but my family just think I am a conspiracy theorist and are dismissive.

One world government. The rich will live like lords, while the rest do as they are told.

Ilona. 18.10.2024

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