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Tuesday 15 October 2024

Cleaner cities.


The WEF are a cult of very rich people who have put themselves into the position of dictating changes to every aspect of our lives, in the guise of saving the planet. The changes are already happening. Narrowing roads and adding cycle lanes. Putting road blocks up to close streets. Ultra low emission zones to deter car drivers entering some places, with big fines if you don't have the correct vehicle. Restrictions on loading and unloading. 
My advice is to move out of the cities and never go there again. But that would be playing right into their hands and prepares for the next stage of their plan. 
You can read about their proposals on the WEF web site, here.  There is a PDF file to upload if you agree to their terms of use. 

This paper aims to guide city leaders on taking actions to improve air quality in cities, focusing on key sources of pollution such as transportation, energy, industry and materials.

Air pollution is the greatest environmental risk to health, responsible for an estimated 7 million premature deaths globally each year. The problem of air pollution is complex and is particularly pressing in cities. The World Economic Forum 2023-24 Global Future Council on Clean Air has identified nine types of actions currently being used by cities to combat urban air pollution. These actions, outlined in this paper, address pollution across multiple sources and highlight best practices from leading cities.

Ilona. 15.10.2024

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