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Sunday 22 September 2024

New village

 New Yorkshire Coast Village With 1,400 House

 Persimmon Homes Ltd aims to develop a new village, Mountby, on a 131-hectare plot east of Scarborough Business Park, near Cayton and Eastfield. The design of the new streets will prioritise walking and cycling over the use of private vehicles. “Homes will be zero-carbon ready, incorporating technologies such as EV chargers, solar panels and air source heat pumps. 

Read about it in The Yorkshireman
Some of the comments on the facebuck page,

Passed it the other day, looks horrendous, all it needs is a 20 foot wall and guard tower's

just another thought, if these homes are fully Zero carbon ready and have EV chargers for electric cars ….. but there’s no access for cars ….

Considering most of working age will realistically have a fairly major commute to the nearest employment centre, I'd have thought factoring in decent vehicle access would be a high priority. Unless they're expected to cycle to York or Hull or Middlesbrough.

Ilona. 22.9.2024

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