This is a blog about what is going on in the world. I add links to articles and videos if I think they are appropriate to further learning. You can move on if you are not interested.

Friday 21 June 2024

Tucker and Neil

 This is a fantastic conversation between Tucker Carlson and Neil Oliver. Filmed in Scotland when Tucker came to the UK recently. It is over two hours long. Some may not want to sit and watch for that long. I broke it up into shorter segments, taking breaks and doing jobs in the garden. Coming back in for a drink when the sun got too hot. 

I like conversations like this, they get down to the real nitty gritty, you find out about people on a more personal level. So much common sense, and so much honesty between two very intelligent men. 

Watch it here,  or go to Tuckers web site. 

Some comments. . . . . . 

Watched it last night, excellent insightful conversation.

Great interview both of you. I totally agree, people are waking up to this. These two of the shinning lights of hope for getting us out of the slow march of global dictatorship.

Hopefully things are beginning to tip back in the favour of normality and common sense. Like coming out of a bad trip inflicted by the woke nonsense.

Very good.. Too much to take on first listen, will watch again. Should be compulsory viewing - unfortunately those who should watch this, will not..

Ilona. 21.6.2024

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