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Wednesday 19 June 2024

For the good of the elite

 This is from the UK Column web site. It all started in 2010. 

Climate Change Alarmism: A Common Purpose Of The Political Elite?

We are deeply concerned that public support for action against climate change is showing some signs of weakening. We believe that such action is no less necessary and urgent than it was before the recession..... We urge the Government to undertake a renewed campaign to set out the facts which justify taking action against climate change and to gain support for the decisions that will be needed'

'Europe is....poised to take full advantage of its status as the worlds early adopter of decarbonisation. The launch of the European Foundations 2050 Roadmap is another contribution towards..that ambition. It sends signals to individuals, industries and Governments around the world: that the low carbon transition is achievable, beneficial and cost effective.

The UK ambitions are clear. We are determined to be the greenest government yet. We are dedicated to achieving a comprehensive International deal on Climate Change. And we are committed to reducing the UK's carbon emissions by 80% by 2050'.

Ilona. 19.6.2024

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