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Sunday 2 June 2024

In the news

Staggering £218 million owed in unpaid ULEZ fines
Some comments. 
Good, mass noncompliance is needed, the American embassy in London owe millions of unpaid congestion charges, no intention of paying, grow some balls and stick together, there are more of us than the corrupt system.

Nothing is owed it’s just theft of the public plain and simple.

Unfortunately if people vote labour in next election Starmer has already confirmed a nation wide ULEZ and a pay per mile thing to. It will make life on the roads more unaffordable than it is now.

I'm so pleased to read this... good for everyone not paying, this shambles has to fall apart.. nothing but daylight robbery.

No because I won't go anywhere that has ULEZ schemes, hence I don't visit tourist attractions in such area's I don't shop in these area's, save's me loads of money.

ULEZ is a scam and the expansion to all of Greater London was pushed through on lies. It was expected to make £250 million profit in the first year for TfL to fill the black hole in its finances, in the longer term it laid in the infrastructure for pay per mile.

ULEZ is the greatest! Clean air and a significant reduction in traffic. What is there not to like about it?

Ilona. 2.6.2024

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