This is a blog about what is going on in the world. I add links to articles and videos if I think they are appropriate to further learning. You can move on if you are not interested.

Tuesday 25 June 2024


 CANADIAN DOCTOR DEAD - Mississauga, ON, Canada. 54 year old Dr.Philip Boll, nephrologist at Trillium Health died suddenly Mar.24, 2024. He is at least the 5th Canadian doctor to have died suddenly at same hospital.

Ilona. 25.6.2024

Julian is free.



Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.

Ilona. 25.6.2024

Monday 24 June 2024


 SCOTLAND - Huge explosion and plumes of toxic gas over Glasgow as a battery recycling factory burns out of control. People are warned to STAY INSIDE as all Net Zero gains are wiped out and the environment chokes on chemical fumes.

Watch the video here.

Same again, in South Korea. Video here.

Dozens dead or dying in South Korea - Battery factory.

Ilona. 24.6.2024

Saturday 22 June 2024


After two hours of Tucker and Neil yesterday, another two hours today of listening to Andrew. I reckon if anybody listens to these two interviews you will have the whole story of the state of the world as it is today. Andrew is a very genuine guy. Here he gives an amazing insight into just how the political system works in the UK. He leaves no stone unturned. He is a true patriot who fights for his constituents. He does indeed drop a few bombshells. If you are in any doubt about the state of the world, the scale of corruption that is going on, Andrew spills the beans. 

Ilona. 22.6.2024

Friday 21 June 2024

Tucker and Neil

 This is a fantastic conversation between Tucker Carlson and Neil Oliver. Filmed in Scotland when Tucker came to the UK recently. It is over two hours long. Some may not want to sit and watch for that long. I broke it up into shorter segments, taking breaks and doing jobs in the garden. Coming back in for a drink when the sun got too hot. 

I like conversations like this, they get down to the real nitty gritty, you find out about people on a more personal level. So much common sense, and so much honesty between two very intelligent men. 

Watch it here,  or go to Tuckers web site. 

Some comments. . . . . . 

Watched it last night, excellent insightful conversation.

Great interview both of you. I totally agree, people are waking up to this. These two of the shinning lights of hope for getting us out of the slow march of global dictatorship.

Hopefully things are beginning to tip back in the favour of normality and common sense. Like coming out of a bad trip inflicted by the woke nonsense.

Very good.. Too much to take on first listen, will watch again. Should be compulsory viewing - unfortunately those who should watch this, will not..

Ilona. 21.6.2024

There is hope if you wake up.


Excellent advice from Swiss Dr Thomas Binder.

Dr Thomas speaks. Listen here.

Ilona. 21.6.2024

News from the Netherlands

 Jim Ferguson

Huge construction projects are taking place across the Netherlands as massive Illegal Immigration numbers flood in. Taxpayers are footing the bill to house Illegal migrants but Dutch people are put to the back of the queue and see no benefits to them. There is a two tier system here in the Netherlands with the focus and priority given to those who are here illegally.
Watch Jim's report here.

Ilona. 21.6.2024

Thursday 20 June 2024


 Pride used to be about homosexual men and lesbian women. I went to a Pride event in London some 35 years ago. It was great fun. It was about peace and love for everyone. Now it's ugly. It has been hijacked by big money. It's not about accepting everyone for what they are. It's about indoctrinating young people with lies about how you can change your gender. It is sick. People who are sucked into this will be on drugs for the rest of their lives. It is unlikely that they will be able to bring the next generation into the world. Mutilation of healthy bodies is evil.  

Ilona. 20.6.2024

Wednesday 19 June 2024

New cities

 This is an immigrant city being BUILT DON'T let the Welsh government try tell you otherwise. Today we visited Wales. Prefabs style homes were temporary homes first built at the close of the Second World War

We are now building them to accommodate the overwhelming numbers of illegals attempting to claim asylum in the UK. Every town and city will have them if we DON'T put a STOP to it NOW.

Some comments.

This site is in Cardiff, another is in Barry and the third in LLantwit Major…..

It’s the same in Leeds !

So they can build modular houses for migrants but cant do anything for the homeless British, welsh, Scottish or Irish people of our own country.

There must be so many homeless and families living in hostels in cramped conditions who would be over the moon to get one of these prefabs. We're last in the pecking order now.

Ilona. 19.6.2024

For the good of the elite

 This is from the UK Column web site. It all started in 2010. 

Climate Change Alarmism: A Common Purpose Of The Political Elite?

We are deeply concerned that public support for action against climate change is showing some signs of weakening. We believe that such action is no less necessary and urgent than it was before the recession..... We urge the Government to undertake a renewed campaign to set out the facts which justify taking action against climate change and to gain support for the decisions that will be needed'

'Europe is....poised to take full advantage of its status as the worlds early adopter of decarbonisation. The launch of the European Foundations 2050 Roadmap is another contribution towards..that ambition. It sends signals to individuals, industries and Governments around the world: that the low carbon transition is achievable, beneficial and cost effective.

The UK ambitions are clear. We are determined to be the greenest government yet. We are dedicated to achieving a comprehensive International deal on Climate Change. And we are committed to reducing the UK's carbon emissions by 80% by 2050'.

Ilona. 19.6.2024

So young

 Highlanders Super Rugby star and Māori All Blacks rugby player Connor Garden-Bachop has died aged just 25.

Garden-Bachop, a father of twin girls, reportedly died of a medical event at a relative's home in Christchurch on Monday night.

Story in The Mail. 

Ilona. 19.6.2024


 If you're still wondering who to vote for.

This is Dover today. Another 600 unvetted migrant men chaperoned in by those paid to protect our borders. LibLabCon will allow it to continue.

Ilona. 19.6.2024

Tuesday 18 June 2024


 Scroll on by if you can't stomach the truth. 

Yesterday a loose calf was running down a street, a police driver thought it would be a good idea to stop it by battering it with his car. He hit it twice and brought it down. He has been suspended from frontline duties while an investigation takes place. I think he should be sacked, and prosecuted for animal cruelty. 

There is a video circulating of a sheep running loose down a street. How did it get there. Yesterday was the Islamic Festival of Sacrifice, Eid. Was that a sacrificial sheep trying to escape. 

Yesterday a video emerged of a slaughtered animal hanging up under a gazebo, it is claimed to be in a back yard in Bradford. Read the thread here. But beware it has some horrific pictures in it. 

Some comments. . . . . . 

They nick sheep all the time. I was speaking to a farmer the other day, two of his sheep were beheaded on the moors last year.

This happens everywhere and nobody does anything about it, tower hamlets is rife with this cruel act .

Just wondering if that cow the plod knocked down was meant to end up like this but escaped it’s kidnappers?

Stealing sheep, catching swans, I wonder where this poor animal came from. Happening in a town near you and bloody horrific!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

People can choose to close their eyes to all of this, but it is going on. I found the remains of two sheep in black bin bags, hidden in a local wood where I walk. The stench was unbelievable. I reported it to the Council and they informed the police.

There are many different cultures around the world. When they relocate to another country they don't leave their religion behind, they take it with them.

ilona. 18.6.2024

Monday 17 June 2024

It's coming

 "I really do think it's very likely that we will, at some time, it's not a question of if, it's more of a question of when we will have a  bird flu pandemic" Dr Redfield cautioned during an interview with NewsNation.

Story here. In the Express. 

They are telling us what they are planning. They will disrupt the food chain, over and over again. Massive culling will happen. 

Ilona. 17.6.2024

Friday 14 June 2024

Kids at risk.

 Dr. McCullough Delivers Message All Parents Need to Hear

“This childhood vaccine schedule is not what we thought... I’m telling you, in total, it doesn’t look good.” The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act even admits vaccines come with “unavoidable” harms.

Five separate studies now show that “if children go natural, no vaccines whatsoever, they have the best outcomes.” “When I was a kid, the rate of autism was one in 10,000. Now it’s one in 36,” Dr. McCullough explained.

Ilona. 14.6.2024

Common sense

Think about it. 

Ilona. 14.6.2024

Thursday 13 June 2024



Sponsored · Paid for by The Conservative Party
Making every resident safer, no matter where they live, only with the Conservatives.

Of course they will. They are spending millions paying people who are sitting around doing nothing in hotel accommodation.

Have you noticed that they created the problem, now they want to be seen as having the solution. Don't forget, Build Back Better, means first they destroy it.
Ilona. 14.6.2024