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Monday, 6 May 2024


Dr. Kat Lindley
While negotiations of the pandemic treaty and amendments to IHR are ongoing & there has been some language change, we must be aware that the essence of the document remains. The WHO is trying to establish a totalitarian hold on global health.

Listen to Dr Kat and Bret Weinstein.

Comment from Bennetta Elliot.
Under their new "One Health" initiative, the World Health Organization could soon have the power to not only declare pandemics on a whim, but also to dictate global policy on farming, and enforce climate lockdowns under the guise of combatting the non-existent "climate crisis". I Will Add: Resist We must not give up our freedoms to this bunch of unelected, power hungry Globalists. SOURCE: Wide Awake Media via Telegram.

My comment. It is important that people take notice of this. The World health Organisation are pushing forward a treaty which gives them full power over every aspect of our lives. They know there is a lot of opposition to this so they are diluting the treaty to make it more appealing to member states. They are lying, pulling the wool over our eyes, they will say anything to get Governments to sign up to it. It must be stopped. Message your MP.
Ilona. 6.5.2024

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