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Friday, 17 May 2024

Bee aware.

 I picked this up from a forum I am on. There appears to be indiscriminate slaughter of animals going on. Some with no indication of why animals have been found dead.

Report from Bulgaria.

So far, one person has had all his chickens killed, another lost all his ducks, a third lost all their ducks and chickens, another over half their geese flock was destroyed in one night. All our turkeys were beheaded, one neighbour had over 20 chickens and 30 geese killed or injured, another had all his chickens killed. The list goes on.

Another report.

 We actually had a scenario a few years back when Government Officials declared there was a serious goat disease here (I cannot remember the name given to it) so they started attending the villages and taking all the goats for slaughter. Several villagers protested and physically prevented these events happening in their village demanding the animals were tested. The Government Vet tests came back positive for the disease but people had also had their goats independently checked for the disease by Laboratories outside the country and these contradicted the government test results.

And another.

An elderly neighbour where we used to live (@75 years old) who lived for his goats, walking them everyday, chatting as he went around the village, always proudly introducing his young kids to us all, he had all six of his taken and slaughtered. It broke him and he died only a few weeks later after just giving up on life.

A report from New Zealand. 

Springbank Honey was ordered to burn 10,000 bee boxes after two tests at its shed came back positive for spores of American foulbrood disease, or AFB. Its owner, Steven Brown, was told to comply within seven days or he would be prosecuted. He was offered no compensation for the loss, and told he could be fined or even jailed if he disobeyed.

Despite that, thousands of his boxes were never tested for the bacteria. The national agency that made the order, under the Government’s pest management plan, has the power to demand gear be destroyed if it suspects it is “potentially” contaminated.

Are these incidents connected? 

Ilona. 17.5.2024

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