This is a blog about what is going on in the world. I add links to articles and videos if I think they are appropriate to further learning. You can move on if you are not interested.
Sunday, 31 December 2023
Dr Malik says . . . .
Saturday, 30 December 2023
Twenty years ago.
Denis speaks
It's out. Let a scientist speak.
Here is the 10-minute presentation I gave at "Make It Your Business" event in Ottawa on November 29, 2023Friday, 29 December 2023
Moving on. Dr Scott.
Covid accountability will be served best by focusing on the nefarious, (evil, corrupt, criminal), not the distracting noise.
Dr Scott Jensen says, I am suing Keith Ellison and the MN Board of Medical Practice. We’ll take this as far as it will go! We must fight back against the intimidation from big tech, big pharma, and big government.
Catch up with his video, and the conversation, on his tweeeeeter channel.
Ilona. 29.12.2023
Thursday, 28 December 2023
Quota to fill.
The Biden administration is importing millions of third world immigrants to live here illegally, and at same time telling them that white people are the source of their problems. How’s that going to work out in the end?
Some comments . . . . . . . . .
Nailed it. Every western country is working from the same Agenda. WEF & UN.
America is collapsing! We cannot sustain this administration for much longer. We need our country back before it's too late!
The United States will cease being one country in the near future. It is being destroyed deliberately. This is controlled demolition and a crime against the people.
Ilona. 28.12.2023
We know :o)
Wednesday, 27 December 2023
Bumpy ride
I will copy June's monologue here. If you are keeping up you will know exactly what she is talking about. If you think it is a lot of poppycock, that's ok. You are entitled to your opinion, but you don't need to share it here.
We are a group of free thinkers and we are growing. One way or another we will get through this. They may have control of the internet, of Big Pharma, of Big Tech and AI, but they can only control your brain if you let them. The ride will get bumpy, stay strong.
Ilona. 27.12.2023
“No one should be made to choose between his or her livelihood and a potentially deadly DNA-altering and experimental injection.”
Twenty-four former NYC workers who were fired for refusing the COVID jab are demanding their jobs back.Tuesday, 26 December 2023
Power grab
This will happen if we don't start standing up for ourselves. Those who are going along with everything they are told to do, are aiding and abetting this. Spend cash. Start saying no.
Ilona. 26.12.2023
Monday, 25 December 2023
Sunday, 24 December 2023
Professor Arne Burkhardt
Saturday, 23 December 2023
Ghetto UK
Five official facts.
Prof Dr Stefan Homburg makes a speech. He speaks in German, it is subtitled in English.
Watch the video here.
The main points of the speech are listed on a fact sheet. Read it here. There are links in the document which confirm his sources.
Ilona. 23.12.2023
Friday, 22 December 2023
Thursday, 21 December 2023
“This year, 158,000 more Americans died than expected. That's more than all wars combined since Vietnam.”
Deaths among 35-44 year olds rose 26% this spring, while deaths among 25-34 year olds rose 19% above pre-COVID levels.
While the FDA blames this on smoking and bad diet, Dr. Pierre Kory has another explanation:Unbelievable ?
Sir Christopher
All governments need to look at the work of the WHO which is influenced by external political factors rather than the science.
An organisation that denied effective treatments like ivermectin in order to promote vaccines. An organisation thereby responsible for millions of deaths.
Sir Christopher Chope strikes at the heart of the matter when it comes to entrusting the WHO with the centralised power to coordinate pandemics.
Check out this thread, which includes a video.
Ilona. 21.12.2023
Wednesday, 20 December 2023
She is right
German MEP, Christine Anderson: The so-called "pandemic" was a beta test—conducted by unelected globalists—to see how easy it would be to seize totalitarian control, under the pretext of a global "emergency".
"The goal, ultimately, is to transform our free and democratic societies into totalitarian societies. Their goal is to strip each and every one of us of our fundamental rights, of freedom, democracy, the rule of law. They want to get rid of all of this."Catherine Austin Fitts
Tuesday, 19 December 2023
Fake meat
Fake meats are not about your health or the environment; they’re a tool to phase out farmers and ranchers and replace them with ultra-processed food products that can be controlled by patents.
Creating lab-grown meat is “insanely expensive” and plagued by bacterial and viral contamination. Read about it here.Bills escalating
EDF Energy has reportedly increased the monthly bills of some customers by tens of thousands of pounds, prompting outrage on social media. A number of high-profile customers reported the concerning change in their bills on the social media platform X/Twitter.
Read the story here.
Ilona. 19.12.2023
Monday, 18 December 2023
Granni talks sense.
18 million debt
Funding Brighton's i360 with taxpayers' money was a "reckless" and "unforgivable" move, the council leader has said.
Brighton and Hove City Council is currently making a £2.2 million a year provision – over the next 20 years – to pay back the £36 million borrowed from the Public Works Loan Board to get the i360 tourist attraction off the ground.
Read the story here.
Ilona. 18.12.2023
Mates in the party
Michelle Mone admits to lying to the press over her get rich quick scheme of fleecing the Government, with their permission of course, of millions. Doesn't she know that by lying to the press, she has lied to all the tax payers in the UK. These people have no shame. Read the story here.
The blasé Michelle Mone's husband said that they made 30% return on that £200m contract! Profiteering from a national crisis. How many firms, that would not have screwed the UK, were not given contracts because they didn't have mates in the Tory party
Watch her BBC interview here.
Ilona. 18.12.2023
Sunday, 17 December 2023
No contract yet
Airlines refuse to offer up planes for government's Rwanda plans.
The Home Office said it has “robust plans” for flights to Rwanda, following reports airlines have so far refused to sign contracts to take part in the flagship asylum policy. The Sunday Times reported that firms have so far declined to sign up over fears of damage to their reputations from taking part in the plan.
According to the paper, ministers have since appointed an agent to source a commercial aircraft supplier willing to ferry migrants to the African nation if and when the scheme becomes operational. A failure to do so raises the prospect of the Ministry of Defence and the RAF stepping in.
Read the story at Nottinghamshire Live.
Ilona. 17.12.2023
On fire.
Ross Lake House Hotel in Rosscahill had been named by the Department of Integration as an accommodation centre.
Gardaí believe a fire that has destroyed much of a disused hotel earmarked for asylum seeker accommodation was set deliberately. One line of investigation is that the blaze was started to ensure the hotel could not be used as a centre for asylum seekers from next Thursday, as was planned.
The Americans who purchased the building had not replied to a request for comment from The Irish Times on Sunday.
Read the story in The Irish Times.
Ilona. 17.12.2023
It's A BIG Club
Saturday, 16 December 2023
REVEALED: Trudeau government paid Twitter 'influencers' to promote Covid vaccines. The Trudeau government has paid out $682,000 to “influencers” on Twitter, now known as X, since 2021 to try to convince Canadians to take the Covid-19 vaccine and embrace Liberal policies.
The campaign description states that it is an "Influencer campaign to help people in Canada make informed decisions about COVID-19 vaccines."
Read about it here.
Full story here. Canadian News.
The health department disclosed its Influencer Marketing Program in a March 24, 2021, notice to contractors without detailing the cost. Twitter stars were paid to “build the department’s credibility” and told they must not “tarnish Health Canada’s or the Government of Canada’s reputation.”
Ilona. 16.12.2023
Friday, 15 December 2023
Jimmy and Tucker chat
Regional disparities in access to essential services across the country have been laid bare by new think tank research.
Published to mark the fourth anniversary of the Conservative Party's landslide election victory, the New Britain Project's Broken Britain Index brings together 18 critical indicators covering health, policing, transport and local infrastructure to paint a stark picture of the challenges facing the most underserved communities. Read the Broken Britain story here.
Top 20 Hardest Hit Areas
1. Nottingham (East Midlands)
2. Rushcliffe (East Midlands)
3. Broxtowe (East Midlands)
4. Middlesbrough (North East)
5. Sandwell (West Midlands)
6. North East Lincolnshire (Yorkshire and the Humber)
7. Kingston upon Hull (Yorkshire and the Humber)
8. Birmingham (West Midlands)
9. Solihull (West Midlands)
10. Bradford (Yorkshire and the Humber)
11. Hartlepool (North East)
12. North Lincolnshire (Yorkshire and the Humber)
13. Amber Valley (East Midlands)
14. High Peak (East Midlands)
15. Coventry (West Midlands)
16. West Devon (South West)
17. Gedling (East Midlands)
18. South Derbyshire (East Midlands)
19. Wychavon (West Midlands)
20. Wyre Forest (West Midlands)
Ilona. 15.12.2023
Thursday, 14 December 2023
Wednesday, 13 December 2023
A migrant staying at the Wethersfield asylum centre in north Essex says there is “almost nightly fighting” between different nationalities. BBC News reports the story.
The same story is here. On Twiiiiter.
At Wethersfield asylum centre near Braintree, Essex is the scene of near "nightly " brawls between people of different nationalities. Minibuses transporting migrants have had their windows smashed & vandalised. An asylum seeker said: “No-one in the camp is feeling safe."
Ilona. 13.12.2023
Migrants who crossed Channel in boats claim damages for ‘unlawful’ treatment'
Sixteen asylum seekers who crossed the Channel in small boats three years ago have made damages claims against the Home Office after complaining about their treatment on arrival in England.
A barrister representing the migrants indicated that each was claiming about £20,000. Mr Metcalfe indicated that claimants were getting legal aid.
Ilona. 13.12.2023
‘Bankrupt’ council facing £50m spending gap as cuts to services loom.
A council which declared itself effectively bankrupt has proposed cutting more than 500 jobs as it faces a £50 million budget gap in the next financial year.
Nottingham City Council issued a section 114 notice on November 29, meaning it cannot balance its budget, after a £23m in-year overspend in 2023-24.
The Labour-run authority has said that it is now facing an even larger budget gap for 2024-25, with the council claiming that its core spending power has reduced by more than 28% and money from the Government has reduced by £97 million every year since 2013-14.
Ilona. 13.12.2023
Tuesday, 12 December 2023
Prepare for 2024.
The Most Important WORD You'll Need in 2024!
News from Andrew
Change your mind.
It's ok to change your mind. A little video of people who did change their mind.
Compilation of people that believed in Covid vaccines until the evidence of their harm & ineffectiveness became clear. @Johnincarlisle @DrAseemMalhotra @ABridgen
If the evidence changes, it is absolutely critical for public trust in the integrity of public health that we acknowledge the facts have changed and, accordingly, that we have changed our minds too. The covid mRNA jab should likely NEVER have been approved for a single human.
Ilona. 12.12.2023