This is a blog about what is going on in the world. I add links to articles and videos if I think they are appropriate to further learning. You can move on if you are not interested.

Saturday 31 August 2024

Part of the plan

 This is all you need to know. 

Ex undercover Police officer Robert Sole “Those people are not being smuggled by criminal gangs, they’re being smuggled by governments”

Ask WEF members KC3 and Keir Starmer. All part of the Great Replacement

In Australia, our govt FLIES in 10k immigrants PER WEEK. We get to pay for it all.

Some of us have known this was the case for several years, June. It is too easy. They are all well equipped. We have to take them May & others signed all the agreements.

Been pretty obvious for a couple of years. The government happy to discuss cracking down on/the difficulty in catching smuggling gangs when it’s the government bringing them in. Classic distraction tactic for the sheeple.

Of course they are, where do these dirt poor immigrants get £5-10k from.

I always thought that the boats are ‘escorting’ the immigrants in. This is shocking. WEF Agenda 2030? Canada, Australia, Ireland, rest of Europe. What is the end game? Saw migrants flown into mainland Spain from Tenerife on an earlier post.

I’ve been saying this since forever. The boats, the camps in France….all paid for by UK government. Why do you think we gave £500m to France to ‘stop the boats’?

Ilona. 31.8.2024

Thursday 29 August 2024

New army

 This is a conversation between Jim Ferguson and Michael Yon.

Breaking Exclusive: Michael Yon a former US Special Forces and Green Beret veteran, reveals startling information. The Invasion is well under way!

Massive Illegal Immigration of young military age men is by design and is going to be used by the globalists to subjugate our respective countries as a Globalist Paramilitary force.

Watch the video here. 

Ilona. 29.8.2024

Tuesday 27 August 2024


 This is a powerful video. It lays it all out what must happen next. They, the rich and powerful people are turning us against each other. The MSM stoke up the anger and fear, to rid the world of those who strive to live a free life. It's all about control. There is a better way to go forward and that's by refusing to be divided. Just say no, I'm not doing that. 

On May 26, 2018, Brandon Straka shared a video about why he was walking away from the Democrat Party.

Now, 6 years later, Brandon follows up his original video with the first ever "sequel" to it. In this new video, Brandon states in rapid fire succession all that the left has done to erode and destroy our culture, our country, our values, and our freedom.

Ilona. 27.8.2024

Sunday 25 August 2024

Think very carefully

 Check this out. I am trying to help you. Ilona

From John Olooney 

First off, you should know that the new Mpox vaccine isn’t just a vaccine. It’s got a drug called Ciprofloxacin in it. It is the strongest antibiotic and most disabling drug on the market permanently destroying the patient's mitochondria and DNA.

Clinically one of the most dangerous ones out there. Ciprofloxacin is part of a class of drugs called fluoroquinolones, and these drugs are wrecking people’s lives.

There are five listed videos on yoootoob about this drug. All of them have been removed. They are trying to cover up the story. Read all of this thread.

There is a lot of info about this on reddit.

I had a nasty uti/ kidney infection while abroad in Spain last weekend. After failing my first med I was prescribed cipro and took 1 500 mg dose. Within hours my muscles started twitching and I had pain in my lower legs and feet and hands. I also have ankylosing spondylitis/ psoriatic arthritis.

. . . . . . . . . . 

Please think very carefully about any drugs you take. I don't take any, and I will not be getting any jabs in the future.  

Ilona. 25.8.2024

Katie cancelled

Katie is under threat again. People don't like what she says. Well if you don't like her don't watch, don't listen. She has a right to say what she likes.

Ilona. 25.8.2024

Mrs Grumble.

 A story. What do you do if you are cold and hungry? You write something horrible on Twitter and get arrested. 

Ilona. 25.8.2024

Saturday 24 August 2024

Callous behaviour

 Beware, upsetting post.  There is worse in the comments. 

These people hate animals. Sound up. 

Children cornering and harassing a dog while someone records and encourages it.

Ilona. 24.8.2024

It might work.


This looks promising. 
Ilona. 24.8.2024

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Change of heart.

 How much does it cost to run a presidential campaign? This man tells you. It's us against them. The little people against the richest bankers on earth. 

Chris Cuomo Calls Out the Hypocrisy at the DNC “Those suites start at $500k…Those boxes are filled with the same people that they say they’re going to regulate.”

Is Cuomo waking up ? Or just allowed to do this since he's not under the stronghold of CNN and the networks anymore

Why the change of heart Cuomo? This was always the case yet it's the first time he's calling it out late into his "journalism" career

Ilona. 22.8.2024

Monday 19 August 2024

Psychologically speaking

 Mattias Desmet is a Professor of Clinical Psychology. Author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism. 

Extracts from an article he has written, published on Twitter. 

Propaganda is not primarily the art of lying; it is the art of psychological manipulation. It is primarily the art of directing attention. Propaganda ensures that you notice certain aspects of reality and not others. And what is more suited to that than a search engine?

The Democratic Party in America is rapidly discarding any democratic character and is transforming more and more into a fully developed totalitarian structure.

In a totalitarian system, no one is safe; everything and everyone can fall under the rules that are rewritten daily. This gives us a glimpse of what the coming years will mainly bring: unimaginable chaos and psychological dislocation.

Ilona. 19.8.2024

Get ready.


Here we go! A-chimpo-matic!

Believe whatever you like.
Ilona. 19.8.24

Friday 16 August 2024

Thursday 15 August 2024

Former MP Breaks SILENCE On UK Riots, Elites & Immigration Crisis | The ...

former Conservative and UKIP member of Parliament Douglas Carswell sits down with Winston Marshall. “Look what we’ve done to this country, it’s on us!” He tells me as we examine the root causes of the chaos. The failure of elites, the failure of government after government, the failure of a whole generation. But unlike other politicians, Douglas has serious ideas about how to solve Britain’s deep problems.

A few topics covered in this interview. 

Has Britain been “colonised”? What can be done about mass migration? What will unify the country? Douglas also opens about why he felt compelled to leave Britain after Brexit. We discuss the rise of Reform UK and Nigel Farage’s success in Douglas’ former constituency of Clacton.

It's 1 hour 36 minutes long so you may want to split it into sections.

Ilona. 15.8.2024

News x 3

 Be warned. They will not stop ramping up the fear. 

There is no money. Just numbers on a spreadsheet. 

The Canadian government has issued advice warning citizens to prepare for a hypothetical new virus that could lead to food and fuel disruptions.
Ilona. 15.8.2024

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Uncovering lies.

 Same is happening in America. Listen to the ordinary people, not the corrupt establishment. 

Politics are screwed. Listen to this lady speaking the truth. 

Ilona. 13.8.2024

An ordinary guy . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . who recognises bullshit. 

Carry on travelling Mark. 

Ilona. 13.8.2024

Sunday 11 August 2024

All lies

 There is no end to this. It will go on and on until every last one of us is so deflated we will be giving up. The lies keep coming. The main stream media are full of them. The puppet Governments are pushing forward following instructions from the cult, the richest people on earth. There is no let up. If you say the wrong thing, if you think the wrong thing the threats keep coming. 

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RIOTS that spread fear across the country will return without a massive crackdown on lies spread over the internet, security experts warn.

Thousands of fake social media accounts have been created by Britain's enemies such as Russia and Iran to stir up hatred. And the current lull in violence, which follows a huge police operation involving more than 740 arrests, may be only temporary.

- - - - - - - - - 

Fear and bullshit is everywhere. Read this article in the Daily Express. 

Some comments. . . . . 

the biggest issue is the lies the media are flinging all far right ?? bs

what about tackling the government's lies first

All news is misinformation.  The people who own the TV and Newspapers make sure of that

I think the biggest problem is the media in general, for example the BBC is Far Left with its own agenda. The media now selects news to fit its own agenda and ignores things that would give a balanced newspoint.

Its not the Internet lies causing problems it is the Government not admitting that this little Island is full up and we can not keep letting people in as there is NO room?

- - - - - - - - -

Think about it people, and wake up. The MSM have an agenda, they are being paid to stir up trouble. 

Ilona. 11.8.2024

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Katie speaks the truth

A lot of people know what is causing the riots on the street, but nobody wants to talk about it. Except Katie of course. She is not afraid of facing the truth. It's not the right, it's not the left, it's not the black, it's not the white. It's not the Christians, it's not the Muslims. 
As I've said before, everything that happens is linked, it happens for a reason. Everything is engineered by the richest people on earth. They provide the money to traffic people around the world. Immigration will not stop. Money is not enough for them. They crave power, and the only way they can get that is to create fear, tell lies, and spread mis information, through Governments and main stream media. Katie explains it better than I can. 
Ilona. 6.8.2024

On Tour

Ilona. 6.8.2024

Monday 5 August 2024



It's all so clear. Frighten people into becoming compliant. Bring in thousands of people from the other side of the world. Stand back and watch the sparks fly. Both sides become angry mobs. People afraid to leave their homes. Bring in digital id, facial recognition cameras, central bank digital currency, universal credit wallets. All tied in with the great reset, save the planet, net zero, gender reassignment. Bleeding obvious. 
Ilona. 6.8.2024

It’s us versus them. Whitney explains

A brand new interview. Whitney Webb is regarded as the best investigative journalist in the world. 
There is a transcript with this. She speaks rather quickly, you can follow it by reading her words at the same time as listening. 

….organised crime, secret services, corporate power, the deep state….they’re investing massive amounts of money in manipulating us…’ This week Neil talks power & corruption with the brilliant and forensically detailed investigative journalist Whitney Webb.

Ilona. 5.8.2024

The Daily Mail . . . .

. . . . .  stoking up violence. This is what they are being paid to do. Part of the plan. 

Ilona. 5.8.2024

Saturday 3 August 2024

Full up.


We are ram packed at the funeral home. This is in the height of summer, traditionally a very quiet time. There are so many people calling i am turning people away constantly now because I’ve simply have no capacity left. None of them are “covid” labelled deaths - none. People in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s who simply shouldn’t be dying.

You can read the comments here.

Ilona. 3.8.2024