This is a blog about what is going on in the world. I add links to articles and videos if I think they are appropriate to further learning. You can move on if you are not interested.

Monday, 30 December 2024

Nope, yep, nope.


Copyright Bob. He doesn't mind who shares his cartoons. 
Ilona. 30.12.2024

Sunday, 29 December 2024

When will it stop?

 What's happening in the Channel? Hundreds more have crossed today...

305 yesterday, 407 the day before, 451 on Christmas Day. The vast majority male, the vast majority young, the vast majority not genuine asylum seekers.

our weak asylum system is being abused on an industrial scale. Men claiming to be boys, officially being given 'the benefit of the doubt'? They're lying about their sexuality, age, religion, background.

Thousands officially become refugees, and are set for a life of comfort funded by the British taxpayer. £726 million was spent on Universal Credit for refugees in 2023

So says Rupert Lowe MP 884 comments.

Ilona. 29.12.2024

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Catherine is right.

"Once they have control of your transactions... they can dictate what food you can and cannot buy."

"They're pushing to control the food supply... The idea is we get rid of farmers, we kill any naturally-grown food, and we engineer food in manufacturing plants and laboratories."

"If they succeed in [putting farmers and fishermen out of business], you and I will be eating lab-grown meat. That's their plan."

 Listen to Catherine Austin Fitts. She spells it out to us all. 

Ilona. 28.12.2024

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Monday, 23 December 2024


Worth a listen. Matt Goodwin talks to Andrew Gold. 
British political scientist and new GB News host Matt Goodwin sounds the alarm with the crazy statistics around mass immigration and Islamism. He discusses with Farage is really like, and considers how we might stop this.
You’re being lied to by the political class - the immigration explosion is just beginning. It needs to stop.
Ilona. 23.12.2024


 David was right.  4.25 minute video

Ilona. 23.12.2924

Sunday, 22 December 2024

So sad.


They are destroying the earth in the pursuit of net zero. 
Ilona. 22.12.2024

Friday, 20 December 2024

Death at the market.

Christine Anderson reports on tweeeeter. 

Terrorist attack on #Magdeburg 🇩🇪 #christmasmarket ‼️ The perpetrator from Saudi Arabia has been arrested. According to the latest information, up to 11 dead and 80 injured after the perpetrator drove a car at high speed into the crowd.

I've been saying it for years: Those who do not protect their external borders will instead have to protect every folk festival, every party, every public building, every school and kindergarten... and still lose in the end.

Ilona. 20.12.2024

Watch the video. Shocking.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Go Godfrey.

I could listen to Godfrey Bloom all day. Check out his tweeeeter feed. Typical Yorkshire man, says it how it is. He has just done an interview with Dan Wooton. It is here.  

You will notice that his tweeter channel is full of videos with a warning.  

Content warning: Sensitive content
X labeled this post as showing sensitive content.

That's because the establishment doesn't like what he says. You can still watch them by clicking on the 'Show' button. 

Godfrey Bloom

Author, Journalist, Austrian School Economist, Prize Winning Fund Manager, Former MEP. Peace campaigner, bullionist, Conspiracy analyst, Shadow banned.
Yorkshire, England. Joined September 2013

Ilona. 18.12.2024

Tuesday, 17 December 2024


 I found this on someone's facebuck page. Posted on 27 August 2021. I don't know the person but their partner is someone I knew 45 years ago. Something prompted me to look up their name. 

There is more to this story, but I am not going to post it here. It's going to be a long hard slog to undo the massive brainwashing which has taken place. Adverts like this are now firmly embedded into people's heads. This was always the plan. 
Ilona. 17.12.2024

Sunday, 15 December 2024

NONE of this adds up!

Another truth seeking video from the Black Belt Barrister. Daniel explains how the Government are cooking the books. In simple terms, lying. 
Ilona. 15.12.2024

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Get vaccinated

Video from September 2021. I wonder if they are standing by what they said, now it has been proven to not be safe and effective.  

Ilona. 14.12.2024

Dead end street

 Plastic recycling is a “dead-end street.

In my new video, we debunk the recycling religion. Read the comments.

Plastic recycling is stupid and worrying about plastic pollution in the West is stupid Almost no ocean plastic pollution comes from the West Nothing we do impacts plastic use and disposal in the poor Asian and African countries that do cause the problem We have no lack of landfill space. How could we? Every plastic atom comes out of the ground. Putting it in a landfill is just putting it back.

There was a thing where we would sell recycling abroad where they would, with lower labor costs, sift it and recycle what was useful. But that's largely stopped because those countries like China and Malaysia realized the companies were dumping a lot of waste or burning it.

Ilona. 14.12.2024

Friday, 13 December 2024

Freedom to speak.

 The Great Victory Of William Bay Against AHPRA. Australian Doctors and Nurses you are now ungagged thanks to the heroic efforts of one man, Dr William Bay.

Dr William Bay has fought long and hard for the freedom to express his concerns about the mRNA jabs. He has won his case, which now opens the doors for all doctors in Australia to speak out.

Watch his jubilation speech.

Brick by brick their plan will crumble. 

Ilona. 13.12.2024

Wednesday, 11 December 2024


 Love these pictures. Love tractors. Power to the people. 

Ilona. 12.12.2024

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Poisoning the milk

 It's happening. Stop cows farting. 

No thanks.

Ilona. 10.12.2024

Toxic substance

The shedding of spike protein is a real threat. 

This enormous body of research demonstrating that Spike protein is a highly toxic substance confirms that the COVID-19 injectable products are fundamentally unsafe for human use.

Thousands of doctors and healthcare professionals have signed a petition calling for the immediate suspension of all COVID-19 mRNA products because they are contributing to an alarming rise in disability and excess deaths.

Mass appeal to the British government to stop Covid vaccines
The “Hope” petition, launched in July and signed by over 2,000 scientists and doctors, has been submitted to the government. The signatories are calling for the withdrawal of approval for mRNA

Epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher reported, “COVID-19 vaccination is associated with a 68.3% increased risk of depression, a 43.9% increased risk of anxiety disorders, and a 93.4% increased risk of sleep disorders,” based on the study’s findings.

Ilona. 10.12.2024

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Lying by omission

Daniel, the BlackBeltBarrister, is stepping up his campaign to get the truth out there. He explains everything in plain and simple easy to understand language. He aims to expose the villains. Follow him if you want to get to the bottom of things. In this one he references the uprising in the middle east. 

Ilona. 8.12.2024

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

June says. . . . . . .

 A few words from June. . . . . . . .

France's government has collapsed.. Barnier lost his vote of confidence.

Germany is on the brink..

Greece is skint and full of needy migrants

Spain is fked

Britain is filled with Islamic appeasers because The Labour Party wants their votes in the future.

Read the rest of June's words.

Ilona. 4.12.2024


 Every so often something appears on the screen which cannot be ignored. Watch this rant because it is warranted. They lied, lied, lied. And now they should pay for all the damage they created. Don't forget, to build back better, first they have to destroy. It was never about health, it was always about control. 

Viva Frei
I don't often swear. But as of lates, I have been. Because it is warranted. Congress released their report by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. Literally everything they denied they now admit.

Watch this video. They forced people to get jabbed.

Ilona. 4.12.2024