This is a blog about what is going on in the world. I add links to articles and videos if I think they are appropriate to further learning. You can move on if you are not interested.

Friday, 29 November 2024

The plan

 London's 850-year-old food markets to close The oldest meat and fish markets in London, which date back 850 years, are facing permanent closure from 2028. Smithfield meat market, near St Paul's Cathedral, and Billingsgate fish market in Canary Wharf are to be closed after the City of London Corporation voted to withdraw support for them.

Read about it here.

Part of the five year plan. Things will be very different.

Ilona. 29.11.2024

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Listen to David

New interview with David Icke. Dropping this here because I haven't time to listen to it now. Will watch later. My broadband won't support uploading my own video, and watching another one at the same time.  
Ilona. 28.11.2024

Bonkers Britain

Gotta love Katie. Telling it how it is. A woman who doesn't mince her words. Insert your own words when you hear the bleeps. 
Ilona. 28.11.2024

Bravo Christine


Christine Anderson
🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧🇦🇺| The new EU Commission was elected today. A tragedy for all genuine, freedom-loving democrats. I took the opportunity to give my friend “Corruptula” von der Leyen another thorough dressing down. 👊 The hall went wild and apparently even the mainstream media „liked“ it. Part of my speech made it into the German evening news...
Watch Christine in full flow here.

Look at von der Leyen's face. She is whispering to someone behind her, she is smiling, she is mocking.
Ilona. 28.11.2024

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

You're barred.

 A couple of dindu nuffins entered Friends Fighting Cancer in Portsmouth and stole shirts from the shop. A new low when you steal from a charity.

Read the article, watch the video here.

My friend works in a charity shop. She will confront them and demand they give her the items. My solution, don't even allow them to set foot in the shop.

Ilona 27.11.2024 

Monday, 25 November 2024

Stormy weather


Ilona. 25.11.2024

Wide awake.

 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: The climate crisis is being used as a pretext for clamping down totalitarian controls, the same way that the Covid crisis was."

"And it's the same people... It's the World Economic Forum, it's the billionaires' boys' club at Davos, and it's the same kind of cabal of people who will use every crisis to stratify society toward greater power for the super rich... and less power for everybody else."

It’s the climate change cult. They’re indoctrinating younger people into thinking they’re saving the planet. It’s the same lot that was pushing the next Ice Age, in the 1970’s. Then, global warming.

Ilona. 25.11.2024

Sunday, 24 November 2024

No more.

 Professor Dalgleish recently appeared on Sky News Australia. Listen and watch. He has told the truth all along. People must wake up and refuse any more mRNA jabbies. If you are still going along with it you are risking your life. Read the comments. 

"...from the very beginning, these vaccines were not vaccines, particularly the ones that ended up after AstraZeneca with all the clots and they were shut down. But the messenger RNA vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna have caused unbelievable problems and damage to people, and I don't think we will ever really be able to get over that!"

"These were horrible gene therapies that could actually integrate into your genome. And this is one of the reasons we're seeing this horrendous rise in turbo cancers.

They're safe and effective. They started the mandate that these vaccines were safe and effective". No, they were never, ever effective. There was no evidence that they were effective whatsoever. It's basically hope. And they were never, ever safe.

Ilona. 24.11.2024

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Shocking story

Here is another video from Buck Angel. I don't mind calling him 'he' . He openly admits that he was born a female and has not had bottom surgery. There is no need to hack off body parts, he is against the mutilation of young people in the name of gender reassignment surgery. In my opinion this evil practice must stop. 
Ilona 23.11.2024

Friday, 22 November 2024

Problem periods

 This leaflet was handed out to a class of 11 year olds in Wales today. It tells them that there are “men who have periods”. Our schools continue to be infiltrated by dangerous ideologues.

I have been told that this was distributed at a primary school. What makes it even more sickening is that it was funded by the Vale of Glamorgan Council

Ilona. 22.11.2024

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Out of control.

 Sky News tells us shoplifting it at it's highest rate for 20 years, shop staff say they come in and just help themselves.. Other reports say many don't speak any English, except for swear words when they say Fk you to staff.

Ilona. 20.11.2024



Ilona. 20,11.2024

Don't risk it.

 This is what continual lying does to you. AI or real? I don't know. Best not to risk it. 

Ilona. 20.11.2024

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Growing food

 To those who work so hard to feed our nation, take care of our beautiful countryside and pass on your knowledge, work ethic and lifestyle to the next generation.

Know that we stand right behind you.

Ilona. 19.11.2024

Sunday, 17 November 2024

The plan

 This is a plan that has stood the test of time, and still works after all these years. 

Ilona. 17.11.2024

Trans horror

Listen to this story. This man is still fighting the courts to stop his son being castrated. 

Ilona. 17.11.2024

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Can Trump stop this.

They are butchering kids. Watch this and you will see that it has to stop.
Ilona. 12.11.2024

Yes sir, no sir.

 Following Mr S on tweeeeter. Talking bollox as usual. He is following orders. 

Securing ÂŁ1 billion investment in offshore wind is a major step forward in our mission to make the UK a clean energy superpower. It will fire up our industrial heartlands and break down barriers to growth across the country. We will lead the world in industries of the future.

Ilona. 12.11.2024

Medical scam alert

Listen to this doctor. He is a good egg.

Ilona. 12.11.2024

RFK says. . . .

 Newsweek asked RFK Jr. "why he doesn't stop promoting conspiracy theories".

This was his reply: "My father told me when I was a little boy that people in authority lie and the job in a democracy is to remain skeptical. I've been science-based since I was a kid. Show me the evidence and I'll believe you, but I'm not going to take the word of official narratives."
"The way you do research is not by asking authoritative figures what they think. Trusting experts is not a feature of science, and it's not a feature of democracy. It's a feature of religion and totalitarianism."

Some comments. . . .
Conspiracy theorist was a term coined by the CIA to discourage people from looking into the JFK assassination conspiracy. Their insults do not work on us anymore.

A lot of the conspiracy theories revolving around COVID ended up being true. Questioning science is called progress.

Being skeptical doesn’t make you a conspiracy theorist, it means you are inquisitive and don’t always take things at face value. I think we often lack in the area of critical thinking when it comes to gov information.

Anyone using the term Conspiracy Theory is afraid of having something exposed !

Read the rest of the comments here.

Ilona. 12.11.2024

Monday, 11 November 2024

Is this fair?

 As of last week 300 migrants (all men) were bussed into the Cresta Court in Altrincham. This was the evening it was announced to the public, presumably to cause as little stir as possible. The deal was between Serco, Home Office and owners of the hotel.
The hotel is owned by former FA chair and ex director general of the BBC Greg Dyke who received substantial compensation and "ministerial approval" to house migrants. He had previously given Tony Blair a 55k donation in the 90's and has a close affiliation with the Labour party.
The hotel is within yards of a primary school, 10 minutes' walk from Loreto Girls' school and 17 minutes' walk from Altrincham Girls' and Bowden Girls' primary fuelling local concerns about the safety of local children.
Migrants have all been given a mobile phone.
Lastly, people learn that migrants will receive free private healthcare rather than going through the NHS to avoid backlogs.

Ilona. 11.11.2024

Friday, 8 November 2024

Doctor Who

 Was talking to 2 Drs who said GPs can’t get jobs because Dr offices are using “Physician Assistants” as they don’t have to pay them as much. They are nowhere near as qualified as Drs or even nurses! Yet people think they are seeing a Dr. it’s led to misdiagnosis, heart attacks and undetected cancers . They are being used in stead of locums and even permanent GPs!! Speak to your Dr friends they will tell you !!

Read about it here. 

Ilona. 8.11.2024